Blake throws a party

Blake may only be 6 weeks old, but he sure knows how to throw a party! He invited 30 people over to Grandma and Grandpa's house on Saturday. He had such a good time that he slept through most of the festivities even while people still held him! Below is a picture right after he was baptised. Grandpa Bangtson, Jake and Jamie taking a break inbetween courses of food.

Grandma Bangtson watches and Cayden Loves on Blake. I understand those pesky big brothers Blake, believe me.

Pastor Jamie, Justin, Alicia, Blake and sponsors Kari and Jake.

Jamie performing the baptisim. Nice job!

Beautiful Blake! He has dark skin and dark brown eyes...what a handsome guy.

Goodnight kisses for all!

Grandpa and Cayden read a good night story. Nice pj's Cayden!

I can say CHEESE! and I love getting my picture taken!

YES! Another successful bath. I love being clean!


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