Books and Music

I think few things can bring me as much joy as reading a good book or listening to a great new band. I am reading a few books right now. This has become a regular pattern for me (reading several books at one time I mean) and I'm not sure why.
I am reading the Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster. Excellent book but not light reading. He has a whole chapter on fasting that has really got me thinking a lot lately about how much food can control us. I have never fasted an entire day before and frankly it makes me nervous thinking about it.
I am also reading a book that I gave Jamie for Valentine's Day called Sex God by Rob Bell. On a random side note, some people at church asked Jamie what I got him for valentine's day and he said with great excitement "She got me a book on Sex...and God". They looked at us a bit oddly and left the youth room.
Anyways this book is really good so far and I encourage others to check it out. So far my favorite chapter is called Leather, Whips and fruit :) And the chapter was mostly about different forms and shapes that lust can take, and how much it robs you of real joy.
Well, on a lighter not I am also reading the latest John Grisham book The Innocent Man. But I am bored with it and haven't picked it up in over a month and a half. Not your best book John.
I am also reading a book called Luke which as some of you may in the bible.

This is getting long and I also titled this Music.
I am listening to such a great cd right now. It is this guy we went to college with. The cd is called Candle Sessions and I have no idea where you can buy it but if you can do it. Or I can make you a copy. Just kidding that is illegal.

Jamie just purchased us tickets to the Damien Rice concert in may. I am pumped! I have listened to him live on tv and on You Tube so I can only imagine how great he will be in person. I love a great live show.


Vanderson said…
Hey JEmily,
Just thought I'd respond to your Books and Music area. I've just finished 2 great books by the author Iris Johanssen. Final Target and And Then You Must Die. Great suspense/mystery with just a hint of romance. They aren't profound and they teach you nothing of value, unless you need some ideas of how to escape from serial killers, but good none the less.

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